核心價值觀 (“核心价值观”) hé xīn jià zhí guān Core Values

核心價值觀 (“核心价值观”) hé xīn jià zhí guān  Core Values

核心價值觀 (“核心价值观”) hé xīn jià zhí guān
Core Values

Learning a language will also involve learning a country’s culture, how the people in that country think. Study the way they put things in what they say and anything they seldom say and the relationship with their core values.

xué xí yī mén yǔ yán hái shè jí xué xí yī gè guó jiā de wén huà hé zhè gè guó jiā de rén mín rú hé sī kǎo 。

yán jiū tā men rú hé bǎ shì qíng biǎo dá zài tā men suǒ shuō de huà zhī zhōng hé tā men hěn shǎo shuō de shì qíng ,

yǐ jí zhè xiē yǔ tā men de hé xīn jià zhí guān de guān xì 。