中文寫作 ('中文写作') Writing in Chinese For learning to write in Chinese, one should focus on what you write and in what way it is written. When you encounter a Chinese…
學生証 学生証 xué shēng zhèng Student Identity Card Teacher A: Where are our student identity cards? Teacher B: Our students are right here. Teacher A: What I mean is where…
字幕 字幕 zì mù Subtitles A way to improve listening in foreign language learning is to watch television programs in that language with subtitles. You may watch a wider selection…
籃球場 篮球场 lán qiú chǎng Basketball Court Sister: Why doesn’t this basketball court got fences? Me: No, I can see hoops and nets on both sides. Sister: I am saying…
音譯 音译 yīn yì Transliteration Transliteration is often used in developments of different languages. This also applies to Mandarin, such as Bacon translated into péi gēn, Coffee translated into kā…
帆船 帆船 fān chuán Sailboat Mum and I are looking at the sea. Mum: Did you see sailboat (boat turning upside down)? Me: Then call the lifeguard and the police!…
新學年 新学年 xīn xué nián New School Year New school year has started. Teachers are busy with introducing new study goals. What is your goal in learning Mandarin? If you…
Idioms Idioms are short phrases and are used to express a fixed meaning. They are normally formed with 4 Chinese characters and are often linked to historical anecdote. Many families…
Grapes Mum: Girl, have you eaten yet? Sister: Where are the strawberries? Mum: I am asking have you eaten yet. Sister: (a bit angry) There no strawberries but only grapes…